On the last weekend of April, the Citizens' Energy Alliance celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Citizen Energy Convention 2024 in Berlin. The numerous visitors experienced exciting keynote speeches and interesting workshops, as did Peter Schütt and Katharina Kreft from the member support of our cooperative. Prokon Cooperative is a member and supporter of the Citizens' Energy Alliance.
Volker Quaschning, an expert in renewable energy systems and professor at the University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics in Berlin, gave a presentation on the urgent need for energy transition. "Today is a good day to save the world with citizen energy," said Volker Quaschning, outlining various ways to mitigate the greatest threat to the world, which he refers to as the climate crisis. Sven Giegold, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, advocated for presenting the achievements positively and not always focusing on criticism.
He emphasized the importance of citizen cooperatives in portraying a positive image externally. "Who else, if not us?" said Giegold. Christoph Rinke, a board member of Bürgerenergie Berlin eG, shared experiences and activities of BürgerEnergie Berlin, as well as a new advisory service offered by the Alliance for Citizen Energy. Of course, successes of the last ten years were also highlighted.
Prokon also had an information stand on site. "We had many interesting conversations with various citizen energy communities planning projects," Peter Schütt, Team Leader of the Prokon Dialogue Centre, reports. The topics of project planning and service & maintenance in particular attracted a lot of interest. "But membership and our Prokon wind power were also in demand," adds Katharina Kreft. This shows the increasing interest in the Prokon Cooperative.
Even committed Prokon members were to be found at the BBEn convention. Advisory board spokesman Gerhard Herget is also involved in the Bündnis Bürgerenergie supervisory board, Rainer Doemen (deputy chairman of the Prokon supervisory board) was active on the BBEn Citizen Energy Council for a long time, and Wolfang Siegel represented the Friends of Prokon, who are also members of the BBEn.
Mon & Tue: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00
Wed: 8:00 – 12:00 (afternoon only written service)
Thu: 13:00 – 18:00 (morning only written service)
Fri: 8:00 – 12:00
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Prokon eG 2024. All rights reserved.