How strong is Prokon as a brand? What is important to our members and electricity customers? How satisfied are they? To answer these questions, Prokon has conducted several surveys again this year.
The most important insight first: Prokon's already excellent image among the public has improved even further. The energy cooperative is perceived by people as particularly modern, meaningful, and community-oriented. 87 percent of all individuals who have heard of Prokon attest that the cooperative makes an important contribution to the energy transition. The company's level of recognition has also slightly increased. These are some of the findings of this year's brand tracking survey on the development of Prokon's brand perception. 'A positive brand image is incredibly important for us to remain attractive to potential new members and electricity customers,' emphasises Prokon Board Member Katharina Beyer. The survey also confirms that both the renewable electricity market and the green investments sector continue to offer significant market potential.
Prokon Member Survey 2024
Population: Prokon members
Focus on the differences between two groups based on membership duration: "New" (members for a maximum of five years) vs. "Members for six or more years". Sample size: n=843
Prokon Energy Customer Survey 2024
Population: Prokon energy customers
Focus on the differences between the two sub-samples: energy customers vs. customers who are both energy customers and Prokon members ("combo customers"). Sample size: n=950
Prokon Brand Tracking 2024
Population: Men and women aged 18-69 from Germany, cross-quoted by age and gender and who are (co-)responsible for household decisions regarding energy suppliers and/or financial decisions. Sample size: n=1,031
In two further surveys, the opinions and user behaviour of Prokon members and Prokon energy customers were examined. The question 'Have you ever contacted the member support or customer service for an issue?' was answered affirmatively by 52 per cent of the members surveyed. The most common ways of contacting were via email or phone. The new Prokon Dialogue Centre is being particularly actively used – especially by energy customers who are also members (so-called combo customers). More than two-thirds of them stated that they had already contacted Prokon through this channel. Particularly pleasing: the vast majority of users (92 per cent) expressed positive feedback about the service. They praised the speed, competence, friendliness, and clarity of the information provided. 'We are delighted that our new offering is being used so frequently by members and that we are receiving so much great feedback,' says Katharina Beyer. 'In the future, we want to continue expanding these services.'
Fundamentally, the 'long-standing members' still form the stable foundation of the cooperative. However, Prokon is gradually becoming younger. Among the newer members (maximum membership of five years), the largest group is those under 40 years old, making up 34 per cent. By the way, the 'newcomers' primarily came across Prokon through recommendations from friends (19 per cent) or via Google and similar platforms (also 19 per cent).
Great side effect: Once again this year, a tree was planted in Zambia for an Africa project by the environmental organisation for every completed questionnaire. So, the participants not only helped Prokon gain a clear understanding of its members as well as electricity customers, but also contributed a little to the global climate.
Mon & Tue: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00
Wed: 8:00 – 12:00 (afternoon only written service)
Thu: 13:00 – 18:00 (morning only written service)
Fri: 8:00 – 12:00
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Prokon eG 2024. All rights reserved.