The cooperative is managed by a two-person board, which is appointed by the supervisory board. The supervisory board is elected by you, the members, at the general assembly. During the assembly, you approve the actions of the board and the supervisory board and vote on the allocation of the annual surplus.
Our cooperative focuses on the active promotion of our members. As a member, you are financially involved and have a say in shaping the cooperative. If we are successful and make a profit, you will receive dividends.
As a member, you have the right to attend the general assembly, vote there, and stay informed. You can also participate in voting in writing or electronically without being present.
We want everyone to be part of the energy transition – regardless of whether young or old, individuals, companies or associations, small or large budget, domestic or international. Depending on who wishes to become a member, additional evidence and documents, such as birth certificates for minors or commercial register extracts for companies, may need to be submitted. We will provide you with the relevant information during the application process.
To become a member of Prokon, please send us a signed membership application that complies with legal requirements. You can either fill out and sign the form online or download it here and post it to the following address:
Prokon Regenerative Energien eG
Kirchoffstraße 3
25524 Itzehoe
Once we have received your membership application, it will be reviewed by the board, and if approved, you will receive a written confirmation. You commit to acquiring at least one share at 50 euros.
Co-determination takes place through the general assembly, in which each member, regardless of the amount of their contribution, has one vote.
All changes, such as address or email address, must be reported to Prokon without delay. You can make changes directly in the member portal or submit them in writing.
Yes, you can have your voting rights in the general meeting exercised through a proxy. Proxies are allowed to represent no more than two members and must either be members of the cooperative themselves or close family members. All details and a proxy form can be found in our members' area prior to the general meeting.
Yes, you can increase your shares at any time by purchasing additional cooperative shares. There is no limit on how many shares you are allowed to have.
To purchase additional shares, simply send a signed declaration to the cooperative. You can easily do this through our member portal. If you prefer to receive the form by post, you can request it from our member services:
Telephone: 04821 6855-0
Once the board has approved your increase, you will receive confirmation and be asked to make the payment – either via bank transfer or direct debit. Important: You must have fully paid for all previous shares before you can buy more.
You can become a member by purchasing just one share, with one share costing €50. We cordially invite you to subscribe for at least 10 shares. Not only can you underline your commitment to a sustainable future, but you can also benefit from the financial benefits of your membership.
As a member of Prokon, you are directly involved in the cooperative's annual profit and receive a dividend, which varies depending on business performance and has ranged between three and five per cent in recent years. Since your contribution is considered equity, you benefit from the cooperative’s economic performance.
Yes, as a cooperative, Prokon is subject to statutory audit obligations. The audits are conducted by the Genoverband e.V. and are more comprehensive than those for a GmbH, including the review of the management.
The earnings situation of Prokon is primarily influenced by electricity generation, the number of electricity customers, the political will to expand renewable energies, and the organisation’s efficiency. Decisions regarding the distribution of dividends are made annually by the general assembly, based on the annual financial statements and a profit distribution proposal by the management board.
No, a bank deposit is not necessary. Shares in Prokon are not securities. You will receive written confirmation of the number of your shares, and the cooperative maintains a members' register to document your participation. You can view the status of your shares at any time in the members' portal.
All financial reports of Prokon are publicly available on our website in the Investor Relations section.
The dividend is paid based on performance and decided annually by the general meeting. In recent years, the dividend has been between 3 and 5 percent. If you would like to learn more about our financial development, you can find our financial reports here.
Yes, you can submit both a certificate of non-assessment and an exemption order to us. These documents must be sent to Prokon eG in their original form and enable tax consideration of any dividends. It is important that the exemption order is signed and contains the correct tax identification numbers.
Yes, you can transfer your business balance to another person at any time through a written contract, provided the purchaser is already a member or becomes a member of Prokon. In the case of a full transfer, you will leave the cooperative; in the case of a partial transfer, the number of your business shares will be reduced.
Yes, you can have your voting rights in the general meeting exercised through a proxy. Proxies are allowed to represent no more than two members and must either be members of the cooperative themselves or close family members. All details and a proxy form can be found in our members' area prior to the general meeting.
Yes, you can grant a power of attorney at any time to allow someone else to act on your behalf. The power of attorney must be granted in writing and sent to our main address. You can also find details on how to create a power of attorney in our members' area.
Yes, that is possible. If you would like to authorise someone to represent you in matters concerning your membership, please issue that person with a corresponding written power of attorney. If you would like the power of attorney to be kept on file with Prokon eG, please send the signed original by post to:
Prokon Regenerative Energien eG
Kirchhoffstraße 3
25524 Itzehoe
A sample form for issuing a power of attorney can be found in the member portal.
Notes for the person granting the power of attorney: The power of attorney also includes the authority to receive mail. Please indicate in the form whether the mail should be sent to the authorised person or to you (the member). If no indication is made, correspondence will be conducted via the authorised person. You can make changes to the postal arrangements at any time by submitting an informal letter.
Notes for the authorised person: When exercising the power of attorney, proof of identity must be submitted to Prokon eG, e.g., a copy of an identity card.
Please note: This power of attorney does not authorise representation at the General Assembly. A separate power of attorney is required for participation in the General Assembly.
Yes, if you have previously granted the power of attorney.
Regarding the power of attorney: If you would like to authorise someone to represent you in matters related to your membership, please grant this person a corresponding power of attorney in writing. If you wish for the power of attorney to be kept on file at Prokon eG, send the signed original by post to:
Prokon Regenerative Energien eG
Kirchhoffstraße 3
25524 Itzehoe
A sample form for issuing a power of attorney can be found in the member portal.
Notes for the person granting the power of attorney: The power of attorney also includes the authority to receive mail. Please indicate in the form whether the mail should be sent to the authorised person or to you (the member). If no indication is made, correspondence will be conducted via the authorised person. You can make changes to the postal arrangements at any time by submitting an informal letter.
Notes for the authorised person: When exercising the power of attorney, proof of identity must be submitted to Prokon eG, e.g., a copy of an identity card.
Please note: This power of attorney does not authorise representation at the General Assembly. A separate power of attorney is required for participation in the General Assembly.
If you have used the Prokon eG sample form to grant the power of attorney, the power of attorney remains valid even after your death. The authorised representative will remain empowered as long as the heirs do not revoke the power of attorney and until the membership ends.
Multiple heirs who wish to dispose of the inheritance jointly must each send us an informal, signed acceptance of the inheritance, which includes a current address. Alternatively, a legible scan or copy of their identity card can be provided.
It is advisable to authorise one heir to represent the community of heirs in the event of inheritance. This inheritance power of attorney must be signed by all heirs.
When providing the bank account details, the community of heirs should agree on a single bank account, which must be submitted to Prokon eG with the signatures of all heirs.
The community of heirs can divide the inherited share capital among the individual heirs or allocate it to one heir. This can be done via a transfer. We would be happy to advise you on this by phone.
You can terminate your membership at the end of the financial year (31 December) with a notice period of three years. To do so, please submit your termination in writing (signed in original form via post). You also have the option to terminate only some of your shares or transfer your shares to someone else.
Yes, a cancellation can be withdrawn within the three-year cancellation period and before it takes effect. You can do this in the member portal under "My Membership".
In the event of death, your membership, along with the business credit, passes to your heirs. The membership remains in place, and the business credit can be transferred to the heirs or third parties without the membership ending.
Articles of Association of Prokon eG
Declaration of membership of Prokon eG
Broschüre über die Vorteile und den Impact einer Mitgliedschaft
Freistellungsauftrag für Kapitalerträge (Dividenden)
Vollmacht Mitgliedschaft
Mon & Tue: 8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00
Wed: 8:00 – 12:00 (afternoon only written service)
Thu: 13:00 – 18:00 (morning only written service)
Fri: 8:00 – 12:00
Language (Country)
Prokon eG 2024. All rights reserved.